Welcome to will-sell, the online consignment store. We are a division of Willoughby McCabe & Co. located in Dallas, Texas.
The categories are at the side of every page and the search box is above these. Let's go look at some guns. The highlighted price is the current price of the gun; the price goes down at midnight at the listed dates, first email gets the gun! We will not sell any item for a lower than highlighted price for any reason. Please be sure to review our terms and conditions.
We consign at a fixed price or buy outright single items or whole collections. These items are listed for sale starting at a reasonable market value and lower in price over a six month term. They start out as a good buy and get better.
We sell on a very strict first come first serve basis, where the first e-mail to commit to buy is the buyer. We will absolutely not, under any circumstances, sell any item for a lower price than high-lighted price. Please do not e-mail or call to ask. We also will not hold any item; hold your name in line for an item, or alert specific individuals as to the availability of an item at a lower price.
For our consignors: The consignments are done on a fixed price basis starting at 200.00 and going to 750.00. This reflects the amount of description, insurance and shipping costs relative to the item. Please see a chart of consignment pricing in our terms and conditions.
Our guns and rifles are sold on a no return basis. Please feel free to ask all of the questions via e-mail or telephone.
Will-Sell items cannot be bought at our retail store and can only be committed to by e-mail. Handguns and personal defense weapons are not able to be viewed in our retail store. |